• Our Catholic Identity

All people of all backgrounds and beliefs are welcome here.

The Kinship Community Food Center’s approach is guided by the social teachings of Catholic Church.  Our work is a response to God – who reveals riches through our poverty. As a community of generosity, we discover ourselves in vulnerable self-giving relationships.  


Above all, always see Jesus in every person, and consequently treat each one not only as an equal and as a brother or sister, but also with great humility, respect and selfless generosity.

- Charles de Foucauld


A Common Table of Kinship

At the heart of our organization, our Mission Interns, staff, and other community members join in daily silent prayer and spiritual formation.

Our community’s diversity is at the core of our spirit of welcome and hospitality.

Here, our work is not just about sharing food. Being human means hungering not just for food but for kinship as well. We find this hunger everywhere – from our grandmother’s kitchen all the way to the Last Supper.

We gather around a common table to share in each other’s struggles and joys. In the part of ourselves we thought was broken, we find gold. We’ve learned that God has the power to use our weaknesses to do his best work. 

We believe that right here in our city, we find Christ in each of our neighbors. By living a life of action and contemplation we understand that it is God Himself who hungers and thirsts for each of us.

We invite you to join us in prayer at St. Casimir


For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.

- Matthew 25:35-36