Learn what it truly means to be a Community of Generosity.
We offer immersive learning experiences that cover the systemic issues facing our city, and provide an opportunity for increased inclusion within our communities. These community trainings are mobile and can be brought to any institution located in the greater Milwaukee area.
Our interactive conversations are guided by leaders at Kinship Community Food Center.
Contact our Staff to schedule trainings
“Together, we have power to heal each other and truly build a better world.“
Our talks aim to transform our community through education on systemic injustices and personal responsibility.
What we discuss
Beneath the demographics of poverty are the faces of hunger in our community and the systems that prepare or prevent pathways to stability.
We discuss:
who comes to food pantries
why do they come to food pantries
systems that perpetuate hunger
When we are vulnerable in our service, and seek to encounter the hurting and marginalized, a transformation of deeper gratitude and belonging can occur.
We discuss:
what marginalizes others in service
how to build belonging rather than marginalization
why is culture essential to make bigger change