• Our Mission & Vision

At Kinship Community Food Center, feeding hunger is a catalyst for the well-being of our community.

Everyone Gives. Everyone Receives.

There’s a wonderful transformation that happens in our hearts when we’re called out of our isolation and into community.

Here, when any member of our community discovers the gift they are meant to give and the gift they are meant to receive, it can surprise, heal, and bring new life and purpose. This is true whether you’re a volunteer, shopper, or a donor. By helping one another amidst the diversity of our backgrounds, our needs and hardships, our blessings and privileges... we grow in gratitude, the wellspring of true generosity.

Join us.


    Kinship Community Food Center engages volunteers and neighborhood residents to end hunger, isolation, and poverty. Our innovative programs nourish food security and wellness, foster belonging and community engagement, and empower stability and economic prosperity in our city.



addressing food security and wellness


fostering kinship and community engagement


creating a stability and economic opportunity

  • Our Vision

    Kinship Community Food Center envisions a community where all are nourished, all of us belong, and all of us can prosper.

Our Core Concepts


Food has the power to gather individuals into community. A meal is oriented toward communion of soul.


Our work is focused on nourishing the body and the soul, so that we might relearn that we belong to each other.


Human connection, in relationships of mutual vulnerability, can heal us because there are riches in our poverty.



Our compulsion to run from our brokenness necessitates honest silence.


In stillness we choose to encounter our wounded selves in the presence of boundless love, so that we can foster a healing community that reforms structures.


… so that all people might share in the goods of society.



  • All are welcome.

  • Food brings us into community.

  • Community changes our lives.

  • Each has a gift to give.
    Each has a gift to receive.

  • Be yourself. Be vulnerable.

  • Nourish the whole person.

  • Everyone is a beginner.