Kinship Café Now Open!
To further the work of our mission, we are adding an exciting new layer to our programming.
Everyone Gives. Everyone Receives.
Food has the power to bring us into community and community changes our lives. Welcome to Kinship.
Our Approach
Here, feeding hunger is a way to transform the well-being of our community. Join us.
Our Catholic Identity
We find God in our neighbors of all backgrounds and beliefs. All are welcome at this table of kinship.

We’re bringing together people from all over our city
who may not otherwise experience community together. We do that by using food as an entry point to creating long lasting relationships that will change our lives for the better.
Welcome to
Our Community of Generosity
“We embrace and promote Kinship’s philosophy of both giving and receiving with sincerity and generosity.”
“Kinship has helped with rides, getting me to the hospital, helping me with my kids, getting them to their appointments, it’s just outstanding.”
“I receive so much more. I receive this wonderful sense of belonging. Truly it is very, very important.”
“You guys don’t understand what you’re giving people when you give them the opportunity to volunteer.”
“I had nothing. I was afraid I was going to get kicked out of my apartment or starve to death. At Kinship, everybody here was all-hands-on deck for me.”
“I’ve gotten so much help. That’s why I want to be part of this, because this is a way I can give back.”
“You get to know people over time and just as with a family you share ups and downs, joys and sorrows.”
“There is something intangible, but tangible, that is here. It's a spirit thing-- it's a human to human connection.”
“Sometimes you just need somebody to believe in you, no matter what you’ve been through.”
“Being here has reshaped how I view the world. It has opened my eyes to food insecurity and poverty in my neighborhood.”
“You begin to realize that by giving your life to others, you actually become more alive.”
“We are not coming to just get food, we are coming to spend time with the friends that feel like family.”
“The women who have volunteered regularly with me have become very close and I can't see myself volunteering without them.”
“Anybody’s life can be rehabilitated. But you need people listening and support. Rolling up your sleeves getting involved.”
“I understand what it’s like to be alone. So, when people come here... I pull up a chair and sit next to them.”
“I pulled up for food and you asked me, ‘How’s the housing situation?’ I looked over and almost started crying. It’s been such a blessing.”
“People who are coming to get food are just like everyone else, they have something to give as well.”

“It’s like family here. If there’s anything I need, anything I need to talk about, going on in my life, there’s always listening ears open.”
-Chandra, Neighborhood Resident
Some of Our Programs
Employment Readiness & Training
Paid work experience that integrates social connection and human development to create a healing path toward steady employment and economic mobility.
Training and Education
Service-based training for volunteers and neighborhood residents in spiritual formation, social justice, and civic action.
A Year of Service
A residential “mission-year” of service and Catholic spiritual formation for young adults.

food changes lives
Recipes from our Community
As part of our wellness initiatives we research and develop recipes that highlight a featured item from our food center as well as a produce item from our urban farm.
Ways to Get Involved
Give monthly to assist families by providing not only food, but also a place of belonging.
We offer immersive learning experiences that address what it means to truly be a Community of Generosity.